Information and contacts

History of the site

From farmland to Woodside Square – the history of the site and surroundings.


Maintenance and reference material for equipment in the houses and flats.

The gardens

The plants and trees that make up our beautiful estate.

Social activities

Organising social events for residents is a prime function of the Residents Association.

Bicycles and cycling

Facilities for cyclists in Woodside Square and the surrounding neighbourhood.

The raised beds

The mini-allotments on our doorstep.


Contact the Residents Association

You can contact the Residents Association via the webform or by email to

Contact other residents

In order to help Woodside Square residents to get to know and communicate more easily with each other, Peter Dean has set up and maintains a list of names and contact details of residents who wish to be included in it. Entry in the list is completely voluntary. Any resident who opts for inclusion receives a copy of the list and quarterly updates. The list is for internal use by Woodside Square residents only. If you would like to opt in to the list please send Peter an email at giving your name and contact details for inclusion.

Reporting suspicious activity

Suspicious activity should be reported to PC Jon Eldered, our local PC by email ( )   with a copy to Karl Steer. Include the date and time of the incident and if possible attach photos.