Parking Provision at Woodside Square
1. There are 102 spaces in the underground car park. Those with a right to park may park their car in any available parking space, (including the 24 electric vehicle charging spaces,) except the eight bays marked ‘Simmons House’ on the left by the entrance.
2. There are 13 designated disabled parking bays for the sole use of residents who have a disabled blue parking badge. Woodside Square Disabled Parking Permits have been issued to those residents who have a current disabled blue badge. The permit is renewable every three years to coincide with their blue badge renewal. Please contact the estate office if you wish to apply for this Woodside Square permit to prove both your residency and current disability.
3. There are 4 spaces to the right on entry into the estate (opposite Simmons House). These spaces operate on strict regulations given below and are intended for essential users such as medical visitors, carers or disabled visitors.
4. OB Services (OPC) are the parking company appointed to manage parking at Woodside Square. They will issue fines to anyone breaching the parking rules.
Parking Rules
1. Apart from the four designated spaces (see rule 2), there are no visitor parking spaces available on Woodside Square. Visitors are expected to park off-site but can stay for a period of up to 20 minutes without incurring a fine. (See rule 4).
2. Essential users (such as medical visitors, carers or disabled visitors) may only use one of the four designated places. The residents being visited must inform both OB Services ( and Woodside Square estate staff ( of the vehicle registration number on its arrival and the purpose of the visit. The vehicle may not remain on the estate for more than 4 hours. Residents themselves must not park their vehicles in these spaces.
3. Residents with a right to park may allocate their basement car park space to a guest for short periods, provided the resident in question removes their own car, if they have one, from the garage and parks offsite. The registration of the guest’s vehicle must be logged with OB services via email at and copied to the estate email at prior to, or within 20 minutes of arrival on site. When logging registrations, please include your right to park permit reference and also state how long the guest’s vehicle will remain in the car park.
4. Vehicles visiting residents may park near the residence they are visiting for up to 20 minutes provided they do not obstruct garages, driveways, or entrances. They must not use disabled parking bays which are for disabled residents with a Woodside Square parking permit only. Anyone staying longer than 20 minutes or causing an obstruction will incur a fine. This also applies at weekends.
5. Obvious delivery vehicles will be automatically recognised by the Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras and may exceed the 20 minutes rule if necessary. However, they must leave the estate as soon as the delivery is completed. Trades peoples’ vehicles may park close to the resident’s address for the duration of the work only if equipment is needed on site and an obstruction is not caused. If longer than one day this needs to be agreed by the office. Please notify OB services and the office of the registration number.
6. No motorbikes/bicycles are allowed to be parked anywhere on the overground spaces, including the central square, at any time except for deliveries for up to 20 minutes.
7. Residents’ cars without Woodside Square Disabled Residents Parking Permits may not be parked overground at any time for longer than 20 minutesunless in exceptional circumstances expressly arranged with the estate office.
8. Residents with a Woodside Square Disabled Parking Permit must always display this permit when parking in a residents’ disabled bay. Anchor will issue fines to any vehicles parked in disabled bays if they do not display their Woodside Square Disabled Parking Permit. This permit only entitles you to park in disabled bays and not elsewhere on site. Displaying a blue badge is not adequate as it does not prove residence. Anchor will not cancel a fine if you are not permitted to park in the residents’ disabled bays.
9. Residents with a ‘Right to Park’ may sub-let their space only to other residents, with permission from the onsite management.
Please note that where residents fail to log car registrations, fines will not be retrospectively cancelled – except in a limited number of cases where there is a very compelling reason for the failure to log, such as illness or an emergency. Management has the right to use its own discretion when needed.
Updated August 2024